About Eric

Eric was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in 1983.
Eric was born as the daughter of a military man and his civilian wife.
At the age of 6, Eric had endured the horrible terror of child molestation at the hands of a trusted family friend.
But even before this horrendous ordeal, he knew his life would be difficult.
Eric knew he was meant to be a boy.
For years, Eric lived his life as a tomboy, befriending mostly other boys and older kids, as he simply couldn't identify with girls.
At the age of 13, Eric came out to a female friend with is desire to be a boy.
The young girl soon ceased being friends with Eric.
For 15 years, Eric kept his gender identity a complete secret, dutifully playing the role of a straight female for most of his life.
Then, when he simply had had enough, Eric finally decided to come out to a large group of trusted and supportive friends, who helped him to see that he was not damaged.
These friends endorsed Eric's decision to transition into manhood with pride.
They were curious, caring, supportive, and kind.
The latest hurdle for Eric is to tell his family about his identity and decision.

In addition to wanting to help himself, Eric decided to also help out the people at the Children's Hospital of Boston.
It was this hospital that saved the life of Eric's younger brother in 1985, when he was born with a transposition of the greater valves of the heart.
Eric's younger brother is now happily married and has a beautiful young daughter, thanks to the Children's Hospital.

So, please help Eric on his journey, as well as hundreds of sick children who also need it.
Thank you.

-Eric's Wish